ENERGY AND MOMENTUM: The Potential Energy of a Pendulum

Q: A pendulum of unknown mass ( m ) is rotated through an angle ( θ ) until it is vertically displaced by a distance ( Δh ). As a consequence, it has a gain in potential energy ( PE ) within the gravitational field that is directly proportional to its vertical displacement. If theContinue reading “ENERGY AND MOMENTUM: The Potential Energy of a Pendulum”

ENERGY AND MOMENTUM: What is the Initial Velocity of the Marble?

Q: A collision occurs between two marbles of equal mass ( m1 = m2 ). Marble ( m2 ) is initially at rest, and ( m1 ) travels with a velocity ( v1 ). After colliding, ( m2 ) acquires a velocity ( v2′y ) of 1.10 m/s and travels 400 from the original lineContinue reading “ENERGY AND MOMENTUM: What is the Initial Velocity of the Marble?”

ENERGY AND MOMENTUM: ( x ) and ( y ) Vector Components of Motion.

Q: A steel ball of mass 10 kg moves due East at 5.0 m/s. It collides with a rubber ball of mass 5.0 kg moving at 10 m/s due North. After the collision the steel ball moves at an angle of 60° East of North with a speed of 4.0 m/s. What is the velocityContinue reading “ENERGY AND MOMENTUM: ( x ) and ( y ) Vector Components of Motion.”