ENERGY AND MOMENTUM: What is the Initial Velocity of the Marble?

Q: A collision occurs between two marbles of equal mass ( m1 = m2 ). Marble ( m2 ) is initially at rest, and ( m1 ) travels with a velocity ( v1 ). After colliding, ( m2 ) acquires a velocity ( v2y ) of 1.10 m/s and travels 400 from the original line of motion of ( m1 ). On the other hand, ( m1 ) moves at a velocity ( v1f ) of 1.36 m/s at an unknown angle ( φ ) from the original line of motion. What is the initial velocity ( v1 ) of m1?



A: When a system is isolated from the influence of outside forces, the net momentum ( p = mv ) of the system’s components will be conserved. Momentum is oftentimes described as the “ quantity of motion “ possessed by a system and/or its components. Inertia is a measure of an object’s tendency to resist a change in motion, and it is proportional to the amount of mass ( m ) possessed by an object ( or system ). For example, a cannon’s components, at rest, are motionless. When a cannon is fired, however, equal and opposite forces are enacted upon the cannon and its ammunition. The force generated by this system is proportional to the potential energy stored by the gunpowder’s molecular arrangement. Kinetic energy ( KE = ½ mv2 ), which is the “ energy of motion “, is expressed in terms of momentum in the following manner:

p = mv

p2 = m2v2 

p2/m= mv

KE = p2/2m

Thus, the less massive cannonball will acquire a relatively large velocity ( and KE ), and conversely, the cannon will recoil with a relatively smaller velocity. Nonetheless, the quantity of motion between the two objects is the same. If the cannonball and cannon had the same mass, they would acquire the same velocity upon being fired. If we assume that the cannon’s immediate surroundings are part of the system, an outside force would be needed to move anything that is not directly influenced by the cannon’s explosion; thus, in this case, the system’s initial momentum is zero, and its net final momentum is zero as well. A system’s initial momentum, however, need not be zero in order for momentum to be conserved. The circumstance above can be modeled in the following manner:

pi = pf

m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1′ + m2v2

Since m1 = m2, the masses cancel:

v1 + v2 = v1′ + v2

Initially, the only moving component of the system is ( m1 ), so the velocity of ( m2 ) can be eliminated from the equation:

v1 = v1′ + v2

After the collision, both marbles travel in a diagonal direction. For this reason, the motion of the marbles must be broken into x/y components. Since ( m1 ) travels at an unknown angle ( φ ) after the collision, we must first analyze the y-components of travel:

v1y = 0.00 m/s

v1y = -1.36 m/s sin φ

v2y = 1.10 m/s sin θ

v1y = v1y + v2y

0.00 m/s = -1.36 m/s sin φ + 1.10 m/s sin θ

1.36 m/s sin φ = 1.10 m/s sin θ

sin φ = [ ( 1.10 m/s sin θ ) / 1.36 m/s ]

sin φ = [ ( 1.10 m/s sin 400 ) / 1.36 m/s ]

sin φ = [ ( 0.707 m/s ) / 1.36 m/s ]

sin φ = 0.520

φ = 31.30

We may now use the x-components of velocity to solve the problem:

v1x = v1x + v2x  

v1x = 1.36 m/s cos φ + 1.10 m/s sin θ

v1x = 1.36 m/s cos 31.30 + 1.10 m/s sin 40

v1x = 1.16 m/s + 0.843 m/s

v1x = 2.00 m/s

Published by George Uhuru Jah-Tafari

In 2004, I became history's second African American student to earn a degree in physics ( chemistry minor ) from the College of Charleston in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina. As a College of Charleston student, I worked in the Center for Student Learning as an introductory physics and chemistry tutor. During my senior year, I took the Medical College Admissions Test ( M.C.A.T. ). I earned scores of 9 on the Verbal Reasoning and Physical Science sections of the test, and I scored within the top 2% of test-takers on the former Analytical Writing section of the Test. After spending a short period of time in medical school, I decided that a career in the health sciences wasn’t for me. In 2018, I passed the Praxis 2 Secondary Physics Examination with a score of 154 and became eligible to teach secondary physics classes anywhere within the United States. In my spare time, I enjoy playing spades and chess, and I enjoy creating STEM course content for high school and college students throughout the Republic of Liberia. George Uhuru Jah-Tafari #LiberianMathScienceandEngineeringScholars

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