MATHEMATICS: The Unit Circle, Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Functions

Linear momentum ( p ) will be maximally conserved when two particles moving towards one another with a constant velocity ( v ) along a straight line collide: p1i + p2i = p’1f + p’2f Things become somewhat more complicated when some measurable entity is maximized or minimized when it passes through some other entityContinue reading “MATHEMATICS: The Unit Circle, Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Functions”

INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONICS: Scientific and Engineering Notation

Within the observable universe, measurements ranging from “ very small “ to “ very large “ can be made. The rules of scientific notation enable such measurements to be expressed in convenient powers of ten. In order to express a number in scientific notation, a number that does not fall between the numbers 1 andContinue reading “INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONICS: Scientific and Engineering Notation”

MATHEMATICS: Is The Earth Really Round?

Disclaimer: The earth, according to current mathematical models and observations, is not flat. ROUND-EARTH MATHEMATICS : In determining the rotational speed of the earth, we must first assume that the sun is positioned an exceptionally far distance from the earth.  If this were not the case, snow, water, and complex biological life would be non-existent.Continue reading “MATHEMATICS: Is The Earth Really Round?”